Hello! Today we got to go to the Reichstag, which is the German Parliament building. We learned a lot about it from Rob, and our questions we each had to answer, before going inside! This building is where the German parliament meets. German democracy all happens here. Hitler didn’t like German democracy, which is one of the reasons they felt fine moving back into this building. When I first saw this, I thought it was a really unique building! There was a lot of cool architecture, and the dome on top was really interesting to me. I’m glad we got the ability to go up inside! As Rob and MaryAnn told us, the dome is above the legislative room, and represents that the legislature serves the people. I believe the Reichstag is important both historically and culturally for a few reasons. First, it’s important historically because it has been the seat of the German parliament since 1894, symbolizing Germany’s political progress. As we learned, it witnessed important events like ...